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Иллюстрация футуристического города, представляющего экосистему Ethereum.

Добро пожаловать в Ethereum

Ethereum — это управляемая сообществом технология, обеспечивающая работу криптовалюты «эфир» (ETH) и тысяч децентрализованных приложений.

Примеры использования

A new way to use the internet

Crypto without volatility

Stablecoins are currencies that maintain stable value. Their price matches the U.S. dollar or other steady assets.

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A fairer financial system

Billions can't open bank accounts or freely use their money. Ethereum's financial system is always open and unbiased.

Explore DeFi

The network of networks

Ethereum is the hub for blockchain innovation. The best project are built on Ethereum.

Explore benefits

Innovative apps

Ethereum apps work without selling your data. Protect your privacy.

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The internet of assets

Art, certificates or even real estate can be tokenized. Anything can be a tradable token. Ownership is public and verifiable.

More on NFTs

Crypto without volatility

Stablecoins are currencies that maintain stable value. Their price matches the U.S. dollar or other steady assets.

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A fairer financial system

Billions can't open bank accounts or freely use their money. Ethereum's financial system is always open and unbiased.

Explore DeFi

The network of networks

Ethereum is the hub for blockchain innovation. The best project are built on Ethereum.

Explore benefits

Innovative apps

Ethereum apps work without selling your data. Protect your privacy.

Browse apps

The internet of assets

Art, certificates or even real estate can be tokenized. Anything can be a tradable token. Ownership is public and verifiable.

More on NFTs

The strongest ecosystem

Activity from all Ethereum networks

94,54 млрд $
Объем, зафиксированный в DeFi (долл. США)
81,8 млрд $
Общая сумма поставленного в ETH
0,078 $
Average transaction cost
12,64 млн
Транзакций сегодня

Understand Ethereum

Crypto can feel overwhelming. Don't worry, these materials are designed to help you understand Ethereum in just a few minutes.


Blockchain's biggest builder community

Ethereum is home to Web3's largest and most vibrant developer ecosystem. Use JavaScript and Python, or learn a smart contract language like Solidity or Vyper to write your own app.

Примеры кода

Ethereum.org Community

Built by the community

The ethereum.org website is built and maintained by hundreds of translators, coders, designers, copywriters, and enthusiastic community members each month.

Come ask questions, connect with people around the world and contribute to the website. You will get relevant practical experience and be guided during the process!

Ethereum.org community is the perfect place to start and learn.

Recent posts

The latest blog posts and updates from the community


Ethereum communities host events all around the globe, all year long